健康 2022-07-03 14:54

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

今年5月,苹果公司宣布iPod touch将售罄。虽然几乎每个人都用手机听歌曲,但当我想起我用iPod的日子时,我还是会有一点怀旧。今天,我就来揭秘这款超级经典。产品有兴趣的水獭朋友来看看吧


第七代iPod touch是苹果公司在2019年8月推出的产品,从盒子上可以看出这是2019年的产品。因为现在苹果已经完全从包装中去掉了塑料材料,转而使用环保材料。但现在回顾iPod touch的包装,我仍然能感受到苹果公司迷人的极简设计。我们花了新台币6,490元买了红色的32GB版本。

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

快速浏览一下盒子里有什么:红色的iPod touch、苹果耳机(Apple EarPods)、闪电转usb数据线,以及两张信仰贴纸,巧妙地隐藏在产品的操作指南下面。里面的EarPods没有内置线控,是的。最简单的一种耳机,如果你想调节音量或切换到下一首歌,你必须直接从iPod上操作

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits


Will,把iPod touch拿在手里,拇指可以直接跟小指打招呼(这样描述很奇怪,但真的是这样的),就算是小小的手机派我觉得iPod touch也够小的,4英寸的屏幕加上88克的重量,放在口袋里真的没有什么意义吗

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

我刚刚提到iPod touch有一个4英寸的屏幕和6.1毫米的厚度。光看数字有点难以想象,但把iPod touch和iPhone SE放在一起看起来厚度没有太大区别,但与iPhone 12 Pro相比,它将非常类似于一个母亲和一个孩子站在一起,尺寸会更明显,感觉会非常不同。iPod touch是经典的圆形边框,而iPhone 12 Pro是平面边框。


Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

下图左边是6.1英寸的iPhone 12 Pro,右边是iPod touch

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits


Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

前面的Home键也是最简单的一种Home键。不支持Touch ID,键盘因为屏幕小而变小。

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

机身顶部是电源按钮。除了iPod touch这几天感觉有点小外,另一种体验就是你忍不住想按右边唤醒或者关闭屏幕(逃跑)。

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits


Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits


Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

虽然iPod touch的Home键不支持touch ID,附带的EarPods也没有内置的在线控制,但它仍然可以升级到iOS 15.5,只要你升级到iOS 15.1或更高版本,你就可以和AirPods一起使用(但我仍然认为iPod需要有线耳机。

1 Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits


第一个iPod出来在2001年10月,在未来几年内iPod继续演变,从最初的iPod与经典的转盘,较小的iPod mini, iPod nano,甚至iPod shuffle没有屏幕上你的手似乎是一个好的趋势,2007年9月推出iPod touch,成为第一个iPod连接到无线网络玩游戏,在Safari浏览网页,看视频,使产品的可用性与其他ipod不相上下。和模型比起来就多了很多(哇,我还记得高中的时候,我就喜欢用隔壁同学的iPod touch玩《Temple Run》)


Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

然而,除了2007年的iPod touch,第一代iPhone也正好在那一年亮相,虽然iPod touch在后来的设计上也做了一些改变,比如第五代iPod touch采用了挂带设计,每一代都推出了五颜六色的New colors,但还是不如用户使用习惯的改变。相比于把喜欢的歌曲一个一个下载下来,然后放在iTunes和iPod上听,现在的流媒体平台可以提供更方便的服务,用手机打开Apple Music或者Spotify,你就可以立刻收听你喜欢的歌曲。与有线耳机相比,无线蓝牙耳机正逐渐成为趋势。在iPod上可以做的事情在iPhone上也可以做,甚至连数据线都更方便,它在使用上保持了更好的便利性,也让iPod逐渐退出了生活。

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

下图左边是第五代iPod touch。几年后,我把它从抽屉里拿出来,仍然觉得这种蓝色足够漂亮。左下角可以和iPod touch的环形挂绳一起使用。

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits

把它像酱汁一样挂起来,你可以很容易地把iPod touch挂在手上(上帝现在看到这张示意图,再次陷入回忆的漩涡,问问自己写这篇文章的时候,你会怀念多少次

Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits



今年5月,当苹果公司宣布停产iPod touch时,官方新闻稿中有一个简洁有力的四个字的标题:“音乐永存,音乐永存。”虽然现在拿起iPod听音乐已经很少见了,但我相信很多人对拥有一台iPod都有着特殊的记忆。就像他们过去坐公交车上学或在图书馆学习时,没有人真正使用蓝牙。对于耳机来说,有线耳机现在看起来很复古,但对于当时的一些学生或者上班族来说,它绝对是生活中不可缺少的一件物品。



Unpacking | Goodbye iPod touch!Although it is discontinued, it will live in your heart as well as the 2000s hits
